Newsletter - Term 1 Week 6



Important Dates - 2025 TERM 1


Dear Parents/Caregivers,


This Friday 7th March is our Term 1 Pupil Free Day.

Our OSHC service will be available for any parents who are unable to make childcare arrangements.

Please contact Camp Australia on 1300 105 343 or the website at  


There are vacancies on our School Board.

If you are interested in having a voice in the strategic direction of the school, please complete the Nomination Form which can be collected at any time from the office.  Alternatively, you can call the school and a form can be sent home to you with your child. 

The Board meets twice a term in Weeks 3 and 8 from 7.00pm - 9.00pm.


All Year 3 and 5 students took part in a NAPLAN practice test last week. This was important to ensure that devices worked correctly for students and that students felt comfortable in navigating the online platform. Teachers will be able to provide students with further practice tests in the next couple of weeks.

NAPLAN test will begin on the 12th March and conclude on the 24th March.


Once again, we are offering our students the opportunity to be involved in Children’s University. CUA aims to encourage high quality out of school hour’s activities for children aged between 7 and 14 years of age, engaging with the wider community as learning partners in this process. The most important principle of CUA is that participation is voluntary, and activities must take place outside of the normal school day.  In 2025 CU will continue using an online registration process. A QR code will be forwarded to any child interested in participating in CU this year. The final cut-off date for all membership registrations will be Friday 28 March 2025. CU graduations will occur in Term 4. 


Wednesday, 12th March, we will have our “Meet the Teacher” Evening.?The evening is an opportunity for you as parents to:?? 

a. Find out about the teaching of Social and Emotional Wellbeing of your child

b. Be presented with the Annual School Performance Report

c. Meet the teachers

Please put this important date in your diary. It is important that all families are represented.

The evening will begin at 6.00pm and finish at 7:30pm. Prior to the meeting at 5:30pm, we will provide a sausage sizzle tea. I look forward to seeing you all there.? 


Monday 17th March is St Patrick’s Feast Day.

All parents are invited to attend Community Prayer as we celebrate our Feast Day. 

Friday 21st March, we will be celebrating Harmony Day.

Parents are invited to attend our parade. Parents and students are invited to dress in national Dress or wear the colour orange. Harmony Day is about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.?

At St Patrick’s School, we take every opportunity to celebrate our rich cultural heritage and diversity. 


We still have vacancies for our Mid-Year Reception class. If you have a child or know of any family who has a child born between 1st May and 31st October, they are eligible to start Reception in July.

Enrolment forms must be completed and handed into the Front Office. An interview time will be offered. 


REMINDER: Keep our Children SAFE

  • Children need to be picked up between 3.10pm - 3.25pm (M, W, Th & F) and 2.30pm - 2.45pm on Tuesdays. If you cannot pick them up between these times you can use the onsite OSHC services
  • If your children walk home, please advise the Office if it will be a regular occurrence
  • If your children are going home with other parents or walking home (occasionally) Please let the Office know

IMPORTANT: The Office is Open from 8.30am to 3.30pm 

In all things love 

Barbara Ahern & Anne Marie Platten 

The Leadership Team



Last week 8 of our Year 6 students had their first visit to RSL Care SA Morlancourt as a part of the Journey to Emmaus Servant Leadership program. The students enjoyed meeting the residents and playing minigolf with a group of them.  I was very proud of our students who were encouraging, polite and welcoming to the residents they met. They demonstrated St Patrick’s value of Respect for Others in their interactions and the enjoyment they displayed during the visit.  

Mr Proctor, myself or a staff member and I will take a group of students every second Tuesday for a 40-minute visit. The Morlancourt staff are very welcoming and grateful for our visits as our children help to bring joy to the elderly residents of the nursing home.  

Sacramental Program

A few weeks ago the parents and children of the sacramental program came together for our Reconciliation information meeting. The children are now preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation with their families at home. We have some important dates to remember so for those involved, please record these dates in your diaries. 

  • Sunday March 16 - Presentation Mass @ St Patrick’s Church @ 8.30am. Children of the program will be presented to the parish community who will pray for them as they prepare during their Sacramental journey.  

  • Wednesday March 19 - Reconciliation Workshop @ Whitefriars’ St Mary MacKillop Hall @ 7pm. 

  • Saturday 22nd and 29th March - Sacrament of Reconciliation @ St Margaret Mary’s Church at 11am. Children attend one of the ceremonies with a parent.  

Please pray for our students

Project Compassion

Project Compassion boxes will be sent home this week, and families are asked to collect money in the boxes and return to school before the end of term. The theme for 2025 is ‘Unite Against Poverty’ and the money raised will be donated to communities in need who are supported by Caritas Australia through the Project Compassion program.

Together, we can make a difference for those who need our generosity and help to live a healthy life. 

Important Dates for Term 1

The term is moving quickly, and important events are getting closer. On Monday March 17 we will celebrate St Patrick’s Day with a Liturgy in the Church at 9am. All are welcome to join us, and we would love to see some families there.

Friday March 21 is Harmony Day. Harmony Day is a special day at St Patrick’s. The theme for Harmony Day is Everyone Belongs. This is the day we highlight and celebrate our diversity and our connections. We are all different and we are all unique and together we make up St Patrick’s School.  

All students and families are invited to join us on the basketball court dressed in their cultural dress or in orange coloured clothing. At 9am we will gather on the basketball court and celebrate together. We will have a parade, and parents are invited to stay for morning tea after the parade. We hope to see many of you there. 

Have a lovely week,
Anne-Marie Platten 


Italian at St Patrick’s 2025

All lessons begin with;

Buon Giorno Ragazzi - Good morning children

Buon Giorno signora Piantadosi 

Followed by che giorno e oggi?  - What day is it today? 

Children respond with oggi e ....  - Today is.... 

Ieri era ....   - Yesterday was ... 

Domani e .....   - Tomorrow is.... 

Nell messi di .....  - In the month of... 

Nell anno 2025....   - In the year 2025 


Marathon for Cancer Council

Fr Charles Lukati, Parish Priest of the Croydon Park Parish, will run the Clare Valley Marathon on Sunday April 6th to raise money for Cancer Council SA.   

By running the marathon, Fr Charles is living out the call of Pope Francis in this Jubilee Year to be a Pilgrim of Hope "always on the move."  

Please help him to support everyone affected by cancer, by donating to this Cancer Council Fundraising Event. 

The target has been set at $20,000

Let’s see how far we can reach!







8.30am - 10am



School Fees 2025

A friendly reminder to those families, who do not have a direct debit set up, that Term 1 school fees are due by the last day of Term 1 the 11/4/25

We offer direct debit, BPay, EFTPOS and also direct deductions from Centrelink payments to cater to the changing financial needs of our families at St Patrick’s School. When the direct debit payment option is selected your school fee payment is calculated over the full school year right up until the 31st of December 2025. This means smaller payments are required, making this method the most affordable way to budget for your commitment. Please come into the office or ring me on 83034500 if one of these options would better suit your financial requirements.

School Card 2025 must be applied for online each year and the instructions are in this newsletter. If you have any problems please come and see me if you are having any issues.

If at any time you are having trouble meeting your school fee commitment, or have any queries, please contact me on 8303 4500 to discuss this matter.

Christine Lavender
Finance Officer

Camp 2025

Year 5 / 6 Camp will be in the first week of TERM 2

PLEASE pay through the QKR APP or come into the office if you wish to pay by Cash or Card. All payments must be made before the end of TERM 1.

Also please return the CAMP PERMISSION FORM signed.



Hi Everyone

Welcome, If you require our services please register on and follow the link.

Hours of Operation

Before School - 7AM - 8.30AM

After School - 3.10PM (2.30PM Tues) - 6PM

We offer breakfast for the children in the morning and fresh fruit and second snack after school. Kids will enjoy sports, art and crafts,

There is a PUPIL FREE DAY on the 7th MARCH - We will be open for bookings from 7am to 6pm on the day.

Thank you Michele

For all enquiries and Bookings Please call - Ph 0447 141 518



Wednesday & Fridays - From 9.30AM - 11.30AM throughout the terms.

Playgroup, family fun for families with children under 5 years

Playgroup SA has partnered with the Office for the Early Years (Department of Education) to provide free development checks for children aged 12 months to 4 years. The checks provide an opportunity to monitor your child’s development, identify any concerns and celebrate milestones. A development check helps to monitor whether a child is meeting the milestones for their age (such as dressing or talking). Please note this is not a health check.

Please contact Chau Tran 8303 4500 if you would like further information or would like to book in child development check.



We would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land and pay our respects to the elders both past, present and future for they hold the memories, the traditions, the culture and hope of their people

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