Student Learning Support

Nurturing and celebrating individuality in learning

At St Patrick’s School we believe that all children have a right to access a quality Catholic education that meets their individual learning needs.

This is why we engage each student in learning programs that meet the required standards but allow personalised growth and progress.

Students with significant learning support needs receive Personalised Plans for Learning (PPLs), which we develop in partnership with the child’s parents or carers. We also consider other targeted programs to help students overcome or manage learning challenges because we recognise that some students need more support than others.

Judy Burley Learning Support Centre

The Judy Burley Learning Support Centre caters for the needs of children who have a mild to moderate intellectual disability.

St Patrick’s School is proud to serve children and families across the Adelaide Archdiocese through the Centre, which is the only facility of its type in South Australian Catholic primary schools.

Situated on our school grounds, it provides early intensive intervention to support integration into a mainstream classroom when they are ready.

Each child is given a Personalised Learning Plan and relevant support and has the opportunity to make friends and play with other students during recess and lunch play times.

English as an Additional Language (EAL)

St Patrick’s supports students from families where English is not the primary language spoken through an Additional Language (EALD) teacher. This teacher works with the child’s general class teachers and other students in reading, writing and speaking.

Leader of Learning

The Leader of Learning provides pastoral care and wellbeing support for students, as well as assistance with literacy and numeracy. They help students to feel confident in themselves and comfortable at school.

Education Support Officers (ESOs)

Our highly skilled ESOs provide additional classroom support for students who need a little extra help with their learning. These trained staff members are a valuable resource to balance the classroom learning environment.


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