Newsletter - Term 2 Week 10


Important Dates

  • 5th July - Last Day Term 2 CASUAL DAY gold coin donation - EARLY12.30pm finish


  • Friday 30 August - School Disco


  • SCHOOL PHOTOS - Week 2
    • Thursday 24th October - Main Photo Day 
    • Thursday 31st October - Week 3 - Catch Up Photo Day (ONLY) for children who are unwell on the main photo day


CLASS NEWS - 5/6DF & 5/6SH

Carclew House Cultural Day

On Monday 17th June Rashaad in 5/6DF, attended a cultural day at Carclew House alongside fellow Catholic schools.  This significant initiative aimed at allowing Aboriginal students to commemorate and explore their culture and identity. Rashaad experienced a range of activities that celebrated Aboriginal culture, history, and craft. These included a dance and GigRig music workshop and woodcarving. 



Dear Parents/Caregivers.


Our busy term is coming to an end. Some of our celebrations have included:

  • Swimming
  • Catholic Schools Open Week
  • Mother’s Day Stall
  • Classroom Pulse Check-in
  • Review Meetings for students with a disability
  • Levelling of writing samples and oral language
  • Reconciliation Day
  • Report Writing
  • Excursions
  • Soccer Carnival
  • Artist in Residence working with 5/6 students for 60-year celebration mural
  • Tri-Skills - Gymnastics & Trampolining
  • Footy Clinics
  • Maths World
  • Fitness Leaders
  • Podcasting for 5/6DF
  • CSMF Choir Assessments
  • Thriving People Event
  • Year 1 Number Check
  • DIBELS Testing
  • Sticks and Stones Performance

Thank you to all volunteers who have helped with any of these events


Ms Johnson and Mr Bucco took ten students to compete in a Soccer Carnival against other schools at St Clair. Our students who play for many different clubs outside of school, came together for several practices after school to hone their skills and play as a newly formed team. These talented students won both their games and are now into Round 2. Congratulations to our team and a very big thank you to our coaches Nicole and Maurice who made this possible.


There will be some staff changes for the next semester. This occurs for many reasons.  All employees in Catholic Education South Australia are entitled to long service leave in accordance with the Long Service Leave Act 1987. The spirit of the Act is to provide employees with an extended break from their employment after ten years of service in order to be rejuvenated and refreshed for work.

  • As you would already be aware, I am taking Long Service Leave in Terms 3 and 4. During my absence Gennaro Mannella will be the Acting Principal. I look forward to catching up with families at the 60-year celebration and Year 6 Graduation.
  • Ms Cynthia Smoljan will be on Long Service Leave for Weeks 1-6 in Term 3. She will be replaced by Mrs Anne Mannella.
  • Our Finance Officer - Mrs Christine Lavender, will be on Long Service Leave from Week 6 of Term 3 until the end of the year. She will be replaced by a staff member from the Catholic Education Office. Christine will return for the start of the 2025 school year.
  • Ms Huong Nguyen our Library and Playgroup ESO will be on Long Service Leave from Week 5 for 2 weeks.

Other employees wish to be employed full time in their field of study:

  • Our school Chaplain Ms Amelia Skewes has won a full-time position as a counsellor. She will be replaced by our APRIM, Mr Michael Proctor.
  • Our school counsellor Ms Gabby Owens has won a full-time position with Shine. We are still waiting for Centa Care to replace her.

Changes due to increase in school numbers:

  • Next Term, we welcome the new midyear Reception Class. Our new class will have 8 students. Mrs Christine Charman will be their teacher.

Personal reasons:

  • Ms Amber Norman will be finishing at the end of the term. She is expecting her second child and will be taking maternity leave. Ms Tracey Wu has been appointed.

We thank all staff leaving for their dedication and service to St Patrick’s School and wish them the very best in their new pathways.


St Patrick’s School will be participating in the ICAS assessments again this year. These assessments are optional and at an additional cost to parents. The dates set are:

  • English on 15th August
  • Maths on 29th August.

The day is determined by staff availability to run the test. If a child is absent on the day the test is administered, the test will not be made up later and money will not be refunded.

This year, parents wishing for their child to take part must enrol and pay for the test online. Details were sent out in an Audiri notification last week. Please note: tests start in 4 weeks.


We can confirm that the date for this year’s School Disco and be held in Week 6, Friday 30 August 2024 in the school hall. The theme for the disco will be a 1960’s theme to fit in with our 60 years anniversary celebrations. More details will be shared early next term, however, if you have a current Working With Children Check and and would like to support the committee in its preparation for the event, please email Mr. Mannella on or let the front office know.


Over the last term, staff have been able to finalise our PBIS Behaviour Matrix.

This document outlines our three guiding principles of ‘Respectful, Interdependent, Thriving Learners’, over which our overall school behaviour expectations sit. These are categorized into times when certain behaviours are expected; All the Time, Learning Time and Break time. Our next step is to formalise the procedural documents on how we specifically want our children to conduct themselves in the various situations while at school, excursions or other events. For example, assemblies, community prayer, movement around the school during learning time, or entering the office.

Please see the The Behaviour Matrix below.



If you did not read the school parking information in the last newsletter, we have repeated this for this week. Please take time to read it to support the safety of our children as they are dropped off or collected from school. We thank those drivers who have followed our expectations in making these periods safer.

We wish to reiterate for drivers to move on to the end of the pick-up/drop-off lane so that other cars have room to park. We also ask that you do not leave your vehicle or take long phone calls while waiting in this zone.


Today, your child has come home with their Semester 1 School Report. We continue to use the SEQTA as our reporting platform. Some students will have AAS next to a curriculum area. This indicates that the child is being assessed against a different year level (lower class level) and this would have been discussed with you and noted in your child’s PPL. As parents, please spend time with your child to discuss their learning. The reports have two grades - one for achievement and the other for effort. Whilst both grades are important, the effort grade is an indication of the commitment and dedication each child gives to their learning. We encourage you to inform your child how proud you are of them if they have put effort into their learning and set goals with them if they need to improve their effort. Students need to learn that learning can be challenging and that with teacher support and student persistence and effort, they will learn and thrive.


Please note that school finishes this Friday 5th July at 12.30pm. The students are asked to wear casual clothes and bring a gold coin donation for St Vincent De Paul’s Winter Appeal. Camp Australia will be providing OSHC for all working parents so please book via the website for your child in if you need this service. School resumes for Term 3 on Monday 22nd July.


The Canteen will be closed for lunch this Friday 5th July due to early dismissal but it will be open at Recess for students.


We wish each family a safe and restful holiday. We hope you find time to spend quality time relaxing, visiting friends or family or just enjoying each other’s company.

In all things love,

Barbara Ahern & Gennaro Mannella

St Patrick’s School Leadership team


Greetings from the Acting APRIM

We read in the verse below the goodness and humility of God:

Remember how generous the Lord Jesus was: he was rich, but he became poor for your sake, to make you rich out of his poverty. (2 Corinthians 8:9)

As God’s children we can imitate God’s goodness and humility in our daily lives and be assured of God’s love and grace to do so. Amen. May it be so. Amen.



The following children are celebrating their Confirmation next term: 

  • Friday 23 August at 7pm at St Margaret Mary’s Church, Croydon Park, Mattea Casundo, Justin Ngo, and Mikaela Rodriguez 
  • Friday 6 September at 7pm at St Margaret Mary’s Church, Croydon Park, Light Bautista and Minhlong Vu 


This is the final week for supporting the Vinnies Winter Appeal; helping those living in poverty:

  • You are welcome to put good quality clothing in the BLUE Vinnies Bin located in the Front Office
  • You can donate non-perishable food or drink eg tinned fruit, vegetables, pasta, rice, sweet biscuits, tea, coffee etc.  Food can be taken directly to your child's classroom and placed in the boxes provided
  • This Friday children can come to school in casuals on for a gold coin donation and the money will go to Vinnies.

Thank you, in anticipation, for your kindness and generosity!


Community Events coming up this term:


Community Prayer 

Monday at 9:00am 


Tuesday at 1:30pm 


Wed at 9:00am 

Week 10 July1 - 5 


Sch Captains 5/6 DF & 5/6SH 

5/6SH + 1/2CS 



Community Announcement

SAVE THE DATE - 60th Year Celebration

SAVE THE DATE - St Patrick's School Disco

Student Drop Off and Pick Up Procedure

We are providing this information to families because of serious concerns the school has around child safety at student drop off and pick up times.

Road rules are very clear about the requirements for drivers in School Zones.

The concerns we have are about parking on both Dudley Street and Haddington Street are

1. How people park their vehicles when dropping off and collecting children

2. Where people are parking when dropping of and collecting children

We worry about the serious risk of injury or death to a child or adult around these times.

We ask you to read this information and follow the directions given within. Please seek assistance If you do not understand or need translation. There are Apps available for your smart phone that can assist.

  • You must slow down to 25km/h in school zones, at  children's crossings between the sign posted times when children are present
  • This is usually between the hours of 8.30am -9.15am and 2.15pm and 3.30pm or at other times when children are present outside the school grounds.
  • If you are picking up or dropping off children, park away from areas where children are moving around. It's always best to be safe, and keep your car as far away as you can from groups of children.
  • The following pictures will help you make the correct parking choices around St Patrick’s School.


  • When collecting or dropping off your child, you MUST NOT PARK or LEAVE your vehicle on the dotted lines in front of the green fences
  • You must not LEAVE your vehicle  if you are parked on the dotted line at either side of the No Parking signs if you are waiting to collect your child
  • If you need to collect your child from the classroom, please park away from the dotted line area
  • No vehicle must stop or park  after these lines . Parking or stopping across the crossing is illegal.

  • If you are unable to move to the other side because cars are parked there, keep moving to the next roundabout and return until you can enter the parking line up.

  • Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in this important matter.

    PLEASE AVOID HOLDING UP TRAFFIC.  Always check to see if there a cars behind you.




You can move throuhg this area to get to the other side of the parking signs

You can move through this area to get to the other side of the parking signs.

Your cooperation and support in this matter is appreciated, thank you.

School Uniform

Our school uniform is an important part of our school culture and identity. The uniform has been designed to wear with any of the following pieces

  • Navy shorts with school logo
  • Navy trackpants with school logo
  • Polo shirt with school logo
  • Rugby top or zipped jacket with school logo
  • A bucket hat for Term 1 and Term 4
  • Beanie for winter is optional, however if your child wears a beanie it must be the school one.
  • White socks
  • Black or white sneakers

There are children who are wearing coloured skivvies and jumpers under their polo top. This is not part of the school uniform.  If your child is wearing their polo shirt and rugby top or jacket and are still cold, any skivvy worn underneath must be navy and not visible at all. The alternative is to wear a navy jacket with no logo or branding instead.

It is an expectation that your child wears the correct uniform at all times.

We ask that parents support us in this.

Thank you

Barbara Ahern


Free Parent Program

Leader of Learning


Teachers often get asked by parents what they can do to help their children get ahead in understanding different mathematical concepts. So, what can you do at home to support your child’s Mathematical thinking?

You can follow the interactive guide online below to find more information:

 Click here to access the Interactive Online Guide: 

  • explains the difference between numeracy and mathematics
  • helps your child to learn numeracy and mathematics at home
  • identifies and talks about some common myths about maths
  • suggests helpful activities you can do with your child.

There are also a range of fun activities that you can try together based on your child’s interests and experiences:

  • Birth to Level 2 suggestions for children up to about 8 years of age, including activities for cooking, travelling, reading, shopping and exploring.
  • Levels 3 to 8 suggestions for children and early adolescents including numeracy in the kitchen, travelling, reading, shopping, our neighbourhood, games and sports.
  • Levels 9 to 10 activities for young people including exploring sustainability, healthy living, shopping, home improvements, gardening, travel and natural phenomena.

I hope this is useful! The video clips demonstrate how the different activities can be done at home.

See you next term!

Linda Bain
Leader of Learning

Canteen Price List



Happy Birthday to these students

who have celebrated their birthday over the past 2 weeks 

  • 24th June - Zayn
  • 24th June - Ritvik
  • 27th June - Rashaad
  • 28th June - Quan


School Fees 2024

A friendly reminder to those families, who do not have a direct debit set up, that Term 1 fees were due the last day of Term 1 the 12/4/24. If your fees are still outstanding please pay as soon as possible thank you.    

 We offer direct debit, BPay, EFTPOS and direct deductions from Centrelink payments to cater to the changing financial needs of our families at St Patrick’s School. When the direct debit payment option is selected your school fee payment is calculated over the full school year right up until the 31st of December 2024. This means smaller payments are required, making this method the most affordable way to budget for your commitment. Please come into the office or ring me on 83034500 if one of these options would better suit your financial requirements.  

School Card 2024 is applied for online if you haven’t already applied for this year please arrange as soon as possible. Instructions on how to do this are available at the front office. School Card must be applied for each year.

If at any time you are having trouble meeting your school fee commitment, or have any queries, please contact me on 83034500 to discuss this matter.


Christine Lavender

Finance Officer






Playgroup, family fun for families with children under 5 years from 9.30am - 11.30 am throughout the terms.


Parent, Conversion, Craft and Support School Group will be held at school each Thursday from 9am to 11am. These programs are free, lots of fun, friendly and open to all.  Come and meet new people and get involved in the school community.


This program is for children aged 3-5 years old from 9.30am - 11.30am (including Library visit) and their parents, to support transitions from Kindy to School.


Playgroup SA has partnered with the Office for the Early Years (Department of Education) to provide free development checks for children aged 12 months to 4 years. The checks provide an opportunity to monitor your child’s development, identify any concerns and celebrate milestones. A development check helps to monitor whether a child is meeting the milestones for their age (such as dressing or talking). Please note this is not a health check.

Please contact Chau Tran or Huong Nguyen on 8303 4500 if you would like further information or would like to book in child development check.


We would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land and pay our respects to the elders both past, present and future for they hold the memories, the traditions, the culture and hope of their people

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