Newsletter - Term 2 Week 4


Important Dates

  • 13th May - 17th May - Catholic Schools Open Week
  • 23rd May - Footy Clinic 
  • 7th June - Pupil Free Day - NO STUDENTS AT SCHOOL 
  • 10th June - Kings Birthday Public Holiday - SCHOOL CLOSED
  • 5th July - Last Day Term 2 - 12.30pm finish



Mathematics - length investigations by 1/2CS

In our mathematics investigation, we began by comparing lengths in the classroom, using various objects to identify which were longer or shorter. Following this, we embarked on a nature walk around the school yard, equipped with iPads to capture photos of items that fit specific criteria: wide, narrow, long, short, and tall. This hands-on activity allowed the children to apply their understanding of length in a real-world context, making the learning experience both engaging and meaningful.


Dear Parents/Caregivers,


This term we are introducing parent workshops called ‘Hot Topics.  At our Meet the Teacher evening, we surveyed curriculum areas that parents would like to know more about. We will be hosting Hot Topics every Term on Thursday morning (9.00am - 10.00am) in Weeks 4 and 8. Our first Hot Topics will be on English facilitated by Ms Moran. Parents are invited to attend any information sessions that interest them. Our Week 8 Hot Topic will be Numeracy. Research indicates that students with involved parents are more likely to have higher grades and test scores, attend school regularly, have better social skills, show improved behaviour, and adapt well to school. Please join us if you are free and are interested in better understanding the teaching and learning of your child.


Last week was Catholic Schools Open Week. The theme once again was “I love my school” and Ms Smoljan took some fantastic photos and videos of many of our students and posted them on our Facebook page and they can also be seen below in this newsletter.  A collage of photos was also posted on the Facebook page of Catholic Education South Australia.


The Mid-Year Reception class is being finalised. If you have a child or know of any family who has a child born between 1st May and 31st October, they are eligible to start Reception in July 2024.  Enrolment forms must be completed and handed into the Front Office immediately.  An interview time will be offered immediately. There are still some vacancies. The students who are enrolled are part of a 10 week transition visit every Wednesday afternoon.


Our next Pupil Free Day is Friday 7th June.  Please save the date in your diary. This Pupil Free Day is to continue with our Numeracy professional learning as well as updating our knowledge and skills in the ‘Keeping Safe - Child Protection Curriculum.’ Please organise care for your child(ren).  If you wish to use Camp Australia, book them in immediately.


If you have a child in Year 5 and have not already enrolled them in a secondary school, it is now time to do so.  Students at St Patrick’s School have guaranteed entrance into Mount Carmel College; however, an enrolment form must be lodged to help the school with their staffing.  As for many other schools, there are waiting lists and late enrolments will not be accepted. In your child’s best interest, please start this process immediately.  All Year 6 students should already be enrolled in a secondary school.


A reminder please that all students and staff are to stay at home if they are unwell. This is an important reminder as we begin the winter months.


Excursions are part of a quality teaching and learning program. They allow students to explore the world beyond their books, gain valuable knowledge and skills, and form memories that will last a lifetime. When on excursion, there is a legal requirement of an adult to student ratio we must meet. If we do not have enough volunteers, excursions may need to be cancelled.  All volunteers require a working with children check (WWCC). If you are available to volunteer and do not have a WWCC, please see Nikki in the Front Office who can support you in obtaining this. There is no cost for WWCC to our parent community.

In all things love,
Barbara Ahern and Gennaro Mannella
The Leadership Team


Greetings from the Acting APRIM


 (The following Scripture verses and prayer are to commemorate Pentecost)

Jesus said to his disciples and so he says to us, 

‘Peace be with you! 

‘As the Father sent me, so am I sending you.’ 

He continues to breathe on us, saying,                          

‘Receive the Holy Spirit.  

Our response, in prayer, can be, 

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful 

and kindle in us the fire of your love. 

WE celebrate Mass for Mary, Help of Christians is this Wednesday 22 May at 9.00am.

Parents, grandparents and friends are most welcome to attend.



Premier’s Reading Challenge

It’s on again, your child has been given a Premier’s Reading Challenge record sheet!
The Premier’s Reading Challenge is a great way to encourage children of all ages to keep reading. This year at St Patrick’s School we are aiming for ALL students to complete the challenge again, so they receive their special certificate or medallion. On the Library window there is a racetrack display for each class. As the students complete their Reading Challenge Sheets, their teacher or the office will collect them, and add  their name to the class racetrack. The first class to have 100% reading completed, will receive a prize this year! (There may even be 2nd and 3rd places too!)
Please encourage your child to read at home as all classes attend the school library regularly for borrowing. Any reading done at home can be added to the recordsheet so keep reading!

Linda Bain
Leader of Learning

New Canteen Price List - from beginning Term 2 2024

New Shed Build update



Happy Birthday to these students

who have celebrated their birthday over the past 2 weeks 

  • 5th May - Akshath
  • 5th May - Tate
  • 7th May - Harry H
  • 9th May - Ramon 
  • 17th May - Minhlong
  • 20th May - Nyikok
  • 24th May - Roxy 


School Fees 2024

A friendly reminder to those families, who do not have a direct debit set up, that Term 1 fees were due the last day of Term 1 the 12/4/24. If your fees are still outstanding please pay as soon as possible thank you.    

 We offer direct debit, BPay, EFTPOS and direct deductions from Centrelink payments to cater to the changing financial needs of our families at St Patrick’s School. When the direct debit payment option is selected your school fee payment is calculated over the full school year right up until the 31st of December 2024. This means smaller payments are required, making this method the most affordable way to budget for your commitment. Please come into the office or ring me on 83034500 if one of these options would better suit your financial requirements.  

School Card 2024 is applied for online if you haven’t already applied for this year please arrange as soon as possible. Instructions on how to do this are available at the front office. School Card must be applied for each year.

If at any time you are having trouble meeting your school fee commitment, or have any queries, please contact me on 83034500 to discuss this matter.


Christine Lavender

Finance Officer






Playgroup, family fun for families with children under 5 years from 9.30am - 11.30 am throughout the terms.


Parent, Conversion, Craft and Support School Group will be held at school each Thursday from 9am to 11am. These programs are free, lots of fun, friendly and open to all.  Come and meet new people and get involved in the school community.


This program is for children aged 3-5 years old from 9.30am - 11.30am (including Library visit) and their parents, to support transitions from Kindy to School.


Playgroup SA has partnered with the Office for the Early Years (Department of Education) to provide free development checks for children aged 12 months to 4 years. The checks provide an opportunity to monitor your child’s development, identify any concerns and celebrate milestones. A development check helps to monitor whether a child is meeting the milestones for their age (such as dressing or talking). Please note this is not a health check.

Please contact Chau Tran or Huong Nguyen on 8303 4500 if you would like further information or would like to book in child development check.


We would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land and pay our respects to the elders both past, present and future for they hold the memories, the traditions, the culture and hope of their people

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