Newsletter - Term 2 Week 6


Important Dates

  • 29th May - 19th June - Tri Skills Gymnastics - every Wednesday for 4 weeks
  • 7th June - Pupil Free Day - NO STUDENTS AT SCHOOL 
  • 10th June - Kings Birthday Public Holiday - SCHOOL CLOSED
  • 20th June - HOT TOPICS - Mathematics
  • 5th July - Last Day Term 2 - 12.30pm finish



During Reconciliation Week, our school organised a series of activities to foster understanding and unity. Buddy classes came together to explore the significance of the Australian flag, the Aboriginal flag, and the Torres Strait Islander flag, discussing their symbols and meanings. We analysed the theme song "Black Fella/White Fella" by the Warumpi Band, appreciating its message of equality and harmony. Students collaborated to write an additional verse, expressing their own visions for reconciliation. We also studied the history and importance of Sorry Day, reflecting on its role in moving towards a reconciled Australia. Through these activities, we learned about the steps we can take as individuals and a community to promote respect, understanding, and unity.


Dear Parents/Caregivers,


In the last fortnight, I have had the privilege of attending some high-quality professional learning with noteworthy keynote speakers. The Conference I attended was called Leading a high-performance culture: Now and in the Future.” A statement one of the presenters said has resonated with me. He said, “Schools are laboratories of the future and museums of the past.” The future is not predictable nor is it predetermined. Our students are navigating a different world from that of their parents and teachers. Our role is to support the students to be successful in this ever-changing world. At St Patrick’s School, we use evidence-based practice to inform and provide a high-quality teaching and learning program including a balance of direct explicit instruction and inquiry learning.


In the last newsletter, I informed parents that the school would be offering 2 workshops each term to help parents understand the curriculum that the students take part in. The topics are based on those that parents at the AGM stated they would be interested in attending. We offered our first Hot Topics workshop last week on English. Unfortunately, no parents attended. We will be offering our next workshop on Thursday 20th June at 9am. Our Hot Topic will be Numeracy. We welcome feedback. If the time or topic is not suitable, please let us know.


This Friday, 7th June is our Pupil Free Day. Staff are continuing to update their knowledge and understanding in Numeracy as well as updating our knowledge and skills in the ‘Keeping Safe - Child Protection Curriculum.’ Care for students on that day should be organised.


It has come to my attention that there are still some Year 6 students who are not enrolled in a Secondary School. This is a matter of urgency as many schools have finalised their numbers and may not have vacancies. Mount Carmel College offers guaranteed placements for our students; however, an enrolment form MUST be lodged. I urge all parents who have students in Year 5 this year to make sure that they have enrolled their child in a secondary school or are in the process of starting this process.


This term, we have had many staff and students away with sickness. A reminder please, that all students and staff are to stay at home if they are unwell. Thank you to all families who have followed this request.


Learning for students goes beyond the classroom. At St Patrick’s, we provide many opportunities for our students to have a holistic education with the prospect of working with specialists in their field. In the last fortnight, all students have been provided with Gymnastics and Trampolining lessons provided by Tri-skills as well as have the opportunity to enjoy Maths and use their problem-solving strategies through an incursion provided by the World of Maths.

Several of our school leaders were chosen to participate in the 2024 Developing Student (through whole school fitness) Leadership program. The day consists of workshops that offer effective student leadership initiatives to support Daily Physical Activity and promote an active curriculum, as well as structured leadership strategies through personal and social skills to motivate students to run effective leadership programs in schools. This has been provided by the South Australian Catholic Primary School’s Sports Association (SACPSSA).


Our school newsletter is now being formatted using a new program. It will still be posted on Audiri and can be found on our website. This new format will allow parents to read the newsletter in any language.

In all things love

Barbara Ahern & Gennaro Mannella

The Leadership Team


Greetings from the Acting APRIM


(The following Scripture verses and prayer are to commemorate the gift of the Eucharist)

Jesus said to his disciples and so he says to us, 

I am the living bread from heaven;

whoever eats this bread will live for ever.’

He continues saying,                 

'Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood

remains in me and I in him.’

Our response, in prayer, can be, 

Thank you Christ Jesus for coming among us and giving yourself totally.

May we, with your grace, give ourselves to others and in the care of our Common Home.


This term we are assisting the local St Vinnies with their giving help to families living in Poverty. The ways we are helping is in ...

  • Week 6-8 From Thursday 6 June, families will be able to put good quality clothing in Vinnies Bins, which will be positioned under the veranda, outside the Front Office.
  • Week 7-9 From Monday 10 June, families will be able to donate non-perishable food or drink. Vinnies are in need of tins of carrots and peas, sweet biscuits, tins of fruit, tins of meat ie spam and Coffee/Tea.  Food and drink to be taken to the classrooms to be placed into boxes.
  • Week 10 Children will be able to come to school in casuals on Friday 5 July for a gold coin donation and the money will go to Vinnies.

Thank you, in anticipation, for your kindness and generosity!


Community Events coming up this term:


Community Prayer 

Monday at 9:00am 


Tuesday at 1:30pm 


Wed at 9:00am 

Week6 June3-7 

Prayer/Lit Group 5/6DF 


4/5TJ + R/1AS  

Week7 June10-14 


Public Holiday 

King’s birthday 



Week8 June17-21 



3/4 JJ + R/1AN 

Week9 June24-28 

Prayer/Lit Group 5/6SH 



Week10 July1-5 


Sch Captains DF/SH 

5/6SHF + 1/2CS 



Acts Of Kindness Awards 
Assembly Award Winners 


School Uniform

Our school uniform is an important part of our school culture and identity. The uniform has been designed to wear with any of the following pieces

  • Navy shorts with school logo
  • Navy trackpants with school logo
  • Polo shirt with school logo
  • Rugby top or zipped jacket with school logo
  • A bucket hat for Term 1 and Term 4
  • Beanie for winter is optional, however if your child wears a beanie it must be the school one.
  • White socks
  • Black or white sneakers

There are children who are wearing coloured skivvies and jumpers under their polo top. This is not part of the school uniform.  If your child is wearing their polo shirt and rugby top or jacket and are still cold, any skivvy worn underneath must be navy and not visible at all. The alternative is to wear a navy jacket with no logo or branding instead.

It is an expectation that your child wears the correct uniform at all times.

We ask that parents support us in this.

Thank you

Barbara Ahern


World Of Maths - Hands On Maths Workshops

As part of this Term’s work and the Numeracy focus for 2024, we invited the World of Maths (a travelling, interactive Mathematics Workshop) to visit our school.

The World of Maths offered an ideal opportunity for students to see how Mathematics is applied to everyday life situations and explore Mathematics in a hands-on environment.

Students were encouraged to communicate their Mathematical ideas and answers with other students in small teams, working together. 

Students gained an insight into problem solving, working in teams, and explored various mathematical areas which are part of the curriculum.

It was a highly engaging session which demonstrated how Mathematics is everywhere, how important it is and, of course, that Mathematics can be fun!  Some phots of the event are featured in this Newsletter

Linda Bain
Leader of Learning

Crows Kickstart Schools AFL Program

All Reception to Year 3 Students participated recently in the Crows Kickstart Schools AFL Program.  This was run over 4 consequitve weeks.  All students who completd the registration received a footy and will be emailed details about how to obtain tickets to a Crows home game.  Thanks to Channy, the SEDA students and the Crows AFLW players who came along and helped out.

Nicole Johnson

P.E. Coordinator

Canteen Price List



Happy Birthday to these students

who have celebrated their birthday over the past 2 weeks 

  • 25th May - Danyal
  • 25th May - Pearl
  • 26th May - Dion 
  • 26th May - Lucas
  • 29th May - Ovee
  • 30th May - Angela
  • 1st June - Brian K
  • 2nd June - Roy
  • 2nd June - Dan
  • 5th June - Riaan
  • 6th June - Stanley


School Fees 2024

A friendly reminder to those families, who do not have a direct debit set up, that Term 1 fees were due the last day of Term 1 the 12/4/24. If your fees are still outstanding please pay as soon as possible thank you.    

 We offer direct debit, BPay, EFTPOS and direct deductions from Centrelink payments to cater to the changing financial needs of our families at St Patrick’s School. When the direct debit payment option is selected your school fee payment is calculated over the full school year right up until the 31st of December 2024. This means smaller payments are required, making this method the most affordable way to budget for your commitment. Please come into the office or ring me on 83034500 if one of these options would better suit your financial requirements.  

School Card 2024 is applied for online if you haven’t already applied for this year please arrange as soon as possible. Instructions on how to do this are available at the front office. School Card must be applied for each year.

If at any time you are having trouble meeting your school fee commitment, or have any queries, please contact me on 83034500 to discuss this matter.


Christine Lavender

Finance Officer






Playgroup, family fun for families with children under 5 years from 9.30am - 11.30 am throughout the terms.


Parent, Conversion, Craft and Support School Group will be held at school each Thursday from 9am to 11am. These programs are free, lots of fun, friendly and open to all.  Come and meet new people and get involved in the school community.


This program is for children aged 3-5 years old from 9.30am - 11.30am (including Library visit) and their parents, to support transitions from Kindy to School.


Playgroup SA has partnered with the Office for the Early Years (Department of Education) to provide free development checks for children aged 12 months to 4 years. The checks provide an opportunity to monitor your child’s development, identify any concerns and celebrate milestones. A development check helps to monitor whether a child is meeting the milestones for their age (such as dressing or talking). Please note this is not a health check.

Please contact Chau Tran or Huong Nguyen on 8303 4500 if you would like further information or would like to book in child development check.


We would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land and pay our respects to the elders both past, present and future for they hold the memories, the traditions, the culture and hope of their people

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