To summarize, please remember the following:
· Keep your speed at 25km/hour or below when you arrive at the school zone.
· DO NOT PARK in the zone where the green fences are near the crossing and school entrance gates.
· DO NOT OVERTAKE cars in front of you in this zone as they are moving to the parking zone or waiting to park their car. This is extremely dangerous as children could be crossing the road.
· Only Park before or after the NO STANDING SIGNS.
· Park towards the end of the dotted lines as you are heading towards Hanson Road as the spaces become free - keep the traffic moving. Be aware of the cars behind you waiting to get a park. Using your phone while driving is illegal. If you must have mobile phone conversations, move away from this parking zone.
· DO NOT DOUBLE PARK and ask children to come to your car.
· All children must exit cars on the kerb side of the road
We thank you for your understanding of our commitment to keeping your children safe at these busy times in the school day. Please follow the above requests and support new or elderly drivers by helping them understand the importance of following these requests.
“Sticks and Stones”:
This week the children had the opportunity to attend an incursion performance by the Brainstorm theatre group called “Sticks and Stones”. This performance aims to educate students around the choice of language used in conflict situations and how we can resolve these in more peaceful ways.
We continue to educate our children about managing disagreements and conflict through the work children are doing in class with the URSTRONG Friendology program.
Children are reminded of the terms of ‘Friendship Fire’ that is a disagreement between friends and ‘Mean on Purpose’ that defines more serious and ongoing harassment towards one or more children that is ongoing. They are provided with the skills to respond to both these situations.
Another part of the program is to encourage children to use ‘Quick comebacks’ when faced with verbal conflict. This does not mean being disrespectful or using offensive language. These ‘comebacks’ is teaching children to be respectfully assertive to let the other person know that they do not like what has been said to them and is hurtful.
The Positive Behaviour Intervention Support strategy has taken another step with the establishment of our Guiding Principles and Behaviour Matrix. Once this has been discussed with the School Board this week, we will share this with the school community. The next steps will be to establish ‘Behaviour Procedures’ for areas that have been identified as requiring intervention. One of these that we trialed last term was the ability to move around the school quietly without disturbing others’ learning. Another was how students conduct themselves during assemblies.
School Reports are provided for parents once each semester. Teachers are currently finalising their reports which will be sent home in Week 10. Gennaro and I have the privilege of reading all the reports, which helps us gain a better insight of each child as a learner. All reports for Years 1-6 will have an A-E achievement grade for each curriculum area as well as a grade for effort, a grade for dispositions and one general comment at the end of the report. Students who are being assessed against a lower year level and have adjustments made for their learning will have an AAS (Alternative Assessment Standard) next to the subject and this would have been discussed at the review meetings and documented in the student’s PPL. If you have any concerns after receiving the report, please make an appointment with your child’s teacher to discuss this. Appointments can be made directly with the class teacher or by phoning the school office, either this term or at the beginning of next term.
All children undertook this term’s wellbeing survey in Week 6. The results allow teachers to monitor the emotional wellbeing and engagement in learning of their students. Any serious concerns that may arise will always be communicated with parents.
At last Friday’s pupil free day, teachers spent part of the day continuing our learning in Mathematics teaching strategies. A key focus for this training was around the importance of teaching and developing in all students their understanding of mathematical language to describe the processes of Maths learning. If you would like to find out more about this and other aspects of our focus on Mathematics, please come and join us at the presentation by Linda Bain, Leader of Learning at the next ‘Hot Topics’ session.
Children who are part of Children’s University are encouraged to visit the CU Portal to continue trying new activities in their own time to build up their hours to graduate. As holidays are coming up shortly, there are also many activities and venues children can visit and these also can be found on the portal. Children need at least 30 hours to graduate.
In the last newsletter, I informed parents that the school would be offering 2 workshops each term to help parents understand the curriculum that the students take part in. The topics are based on those that parents at the AGM stated they would be interested in attending. In week 3 we our HOT TOPIC was English and today (week 8) our HOT TOPIC was Mathematics. Unfortunately no parents attended either session. If the topic is not of interest or if the time is inconvenient we welcome your feedback.
Any child who turns 5 between 1st May and 31st October, is eligible to start school in July. We still have vacancies available. Please contact the Front Office and complete and enrolment form and return as soon as possible. Midyear students spend 6 terms in Reception.
It has come to my attention that there are still some Year 6 students who are not enrolled in a Secondary School. This is a matter of urgency as many schools have finalised their numbers and may not have vacancies. Mount Carmel College offers guaranteed placements for our students; however, an enrolment form must be lodged. I urge all parents who have students in Year 5 to make sure that they have enrolled their child in a secondary school or are in the process of starting this process.
This term, we have had many staff and students away with sickness. A reminder please, that all students and staff are to stay at home if they are unwell. Thank you to all families who have followed this request.
We remind families that our school newsletter is now being formatted using a new program. It will still be posted on Audiri and can be found on our website. This new format will allow parents to read the newsletter in any language.
In all things love
Barbara Ahern & Gennaro Mannella
The Leadership Team