Newsletter - Term 2 Week 8


Important Dates

  • 29th May - 19th June - Tri Skills Gymnastics - every Wednesday for 4 weeks
  • 20th June - HOT TOPICS - Mathematics
  • 5th July - Last Day Term 2 CASUAL DAY gold coin donation - 12.30pm finish


    • Thursday 24th October - Main Photo Day 
    • Thursday 31st October - Catch Up Photo Day (ONLY) for children who are unwell on the main photo day




In English this term we have been learning about Australian animals. We have been sharing our learning by reading and writing information reports.


We have been investigating measurement. We have been comparing short and long, light and heavy, and empty and full.


We have been learning about colour. We have been experimenting with colour mixing and the use of warm and cool colours in creative pieces.


Our focus this term has been, ‘God will always love me as I am’. We talked about our special features and drew our self-portraits.


Dear Parents/Caregivers.


Last week you may have noticed a greater presence of staff directing traffic as parents drop off or pick up children. Within this Newsletter is more detailed information about road rules around schools as well as our expectations on where and how you need to park when dropping off or collecting your child/children from school.

Last week, we witnessed some very dangerous practices as well as one near miss when a child left the vehicle in the way of passing traffic. The information provided is quite detailed and we encourage you to read it or if needed, ask someone to translate this information for you.

To summarize, please remember the following:

·         Keep your speed at 25km/hour or below when you arrive at the school zone.

·         DO NOT PARK in the zone where the green fences are near the crossing and school entrance gates.

·         DO NOT OVERTAKE cars in front of you in this zone as they are moving to the parking zone or waiting to park their car. This is extremely dangerous as children could be crossing the road.

·         Only Park before or after the NO STANDING SIGNS.

·         Park towards the end of the dotted lines as you are heading towards Hanson Road as the spaces become free - keep the traffic moving. Be aware of the cars behind you waiting to get a park. Using your phone while driving is illegal. If you must have mobile phone conversations, move away from this parking zone.

·         DO NOT DOUBLE PARK and ask children to come to your car.

·         All children must exit cars on the kerb side of the road

We thank you for your understanding of our commitment to keeping your children safe at these busy times in the school day. Please follow the above requests and support new or elderly drivers by helping them understand the importance of following these requests.


“Sticks and Stones”:

This week the children had the opportunity to attend an incursion performance by the Brainstorm theatre group called “Sticks and Stones”. This performance aims to educate students around the choice of language used in conflict situations and how we can resolve these in more peaceful ways.


We continue to educate our children about managing disagreements and conflict through the work children are doing in class with the URSTRONG Friendology program.

Children are reminded of the terms of ‘Friendship Fire’ that is a disagreement between friends and ‘Mean on Purpose’ that defines more serious and ongoing harassment towards one or more children that is ongoing. They are provided with the skills to respond to both these situations.

Another part of the program is to encourage children to use ‘Quick comebacks’ when faced with verbal conflict. This does not mean being disrespectful or using offensive language. These ‘comebacks’ is teaching children to be respectfully assertive to let the other person know that they do not like what has been said to them and is hurtful.


The Positive Behaviour Intervention Support strategy has taken another step with the establishment of our Guiding Principles and Behaviour Matrix. Once this has been discussed with the School Board this week, we will share this with the school community. The next steps will be to establish ‘Behaviour Procedures’ for areas that have been identified as requiring intervention. One of these that we trialed last term was the ability to move around the school quietly without disturbing others’ learning. Another was how students conduct themselves during assemblies.



School Reports are provided for parents once each semester. Teachers are currently finalising their reports which will be sent home in Week 10. Gennaro and I have the privilege of reading all the reports, which helps us gain a better insight of each child as a learner. All reports for Years 1-6 will have an A-E achievement grade for each curriculum area as well as a grade for effort, a grade for dispositions and one general comment at the end of the report. Students who are being assessed against a lower year level and have adjustments made for their learning will have an AAS (Alternative Assessment Standard) next to the subject and this would have been discussed at the review meetings and documented in the student’s PPL. If you have any concerns after receiving the report, please make an appointment with your child’s teacher to discuss this. Appointments can be made directly with the class teacher or by phoning the school office, either this term or at the beginning of next term.


All children undertook this term’s wellbeing survey in Week 6. The results allow teachers to monitor the emotional wellbeing and engagement in learning of their students. Any serious concerns that may arise will always be communicated with parents.


At last Friday’s pupil free day, teachers spent part of the day continuing our learning in Mathematics teaching strategies. A key focus for this training was around the importance of teaching and developing in all students their understanding of mathematical language to describe the processes of Maths learning. If you would like to find out more about this and other aspects of our focus on Mathematics, please come and join us at the presentation by Linda Bain, Leader of Learning at the next ‘Hot Topics’ session.


Children who are part of Children’s University are encouraged to visit the CU Portal to continue trying new activities in their own time to build up their hours to graduate. As holidays are coming up shortly, there are also many activities and venues children can visit and these also can be found on the portal. Children need at least 30 hours to graduate.


In the last newsletter, I informed parents that the school would be offering 2 workshops each term to help parents understand the curriculum that the students take part in. The topics are based on those that parents at the AGM stated they would be interested in attending. In week 3 we our HOT TOPIC was English and today (week 8) our HOT TOPIC was Mathematics.  Unfortunately no parents attended either session.  If the topic is not of interest or if the time is inconvenient we welcome your feedback.


Any child who turns 5 between 1st May and 31st October, is eligible to start school in July. We still have vacancies available. Please contact the Front Office and complete and enrolment form and return as soon as possible. Midyear students spend 6 terms in Reception.


It has come to my attention that there are still some Year 6 students who are not enrolled in a Secondary School. This is a matter of urgency as many schools have finalised their numbers and may not have vacancies. Mount Carmel College offers guaranteed placements for our students; however, an enrolment form must be lodged. I urge all parents who have students in Year 5 to make sure that they have enrolled their child in a secondary school or are in the process of starting this process.


This term, we have had many staff and students away with sickness. A reminder please, that all students and staff are to stay at home if they are unwell. Thank you to all families who have followed this request.


We remind families that our school newsletter is now being formatted using a new program. It will still be posted on Audiri and can be found on our website. This new format will allow parents to read the newsletter in any language.

In all things love

Barbara Ahern & Gennaro Mannella

The Leadership Team


Greetings from the Acting APRIM

Refugee Week (June 16 - 22) takes place every year across the world in the week around World Refugee Day on the 20 June. World Refugee Day is an international day designated by the United Nations to honour refugees around the globe. It falls each year on 20 June and celebrates the strength and courage of people who have been forced to flee their home country to escape conflict or persecution. 

You might like to view the video below. (Suitable for children)

Carly, A Refugee's Story

We pray for the leaders of our land... (pause) that their hearts will be filled with compassion and justice for refugees.

We pray for families that have been torn apart through war, conflict or famine...(pause) that they find safety, food and shelter in welcoming communities. Lord, hear us.

We pray for ourselves ...(pause) that we may have generous hearts and welcoming arms and be willing to include and accept all those who come to our country as refugees. Lord, hear us.



The following children are celebrating their Confirmation next term: 

  • Friday 23 August at 7pm at St Margaret Mary’s Church, Croydon Park, Mattea Casundo, Justin Ngo, and Mikaela Rodriguez 
  • Friday 6 September at 7pm at St Margaret Mary’s Church, Croydon Park, Light Bautista and Minhlong Vu 


This term we are assisting the local St Vinnies with their giving help to families living in Poverty. The ways we are helping is in ...

  • Week 7-9 From Monday 10 June, families will be able to donate non-perishable food or drink. Vinnies are in need of tins of carrots and peas, sweet biscuits, tins of fruit, tins of meat ie spam and Coffee/Tea.  Food and drink to be taken to the classrooms to be placed into boxes.
  • Week 10 Children will be able to come to school in casuals on Friday 5 July for a gold coin donation and the money will go to Vinnies.

Thank you, in anticipation, for your kindness and generosity!


Community Events coming up this term:


Community Prayer 

Monday at 9:00am 


Tuesday at 1:30pm 


Wed at 9:00am 

Week 8 June17-21 



3/4 JJ + R/1AN 

Week 9 June24-28 

Prayer/Lit Group 5/6SH 



Week 10 July1-5 


Sch Captains DF/SH 

5/6SH + 1/2CS 



Student Drop Off and Pick Up Procedure

We are providing this information to families because of serious concerns the school has around child safety at student drop off and pick up times.

Road rules are very clear about the requirements for drivers in School Zones.

The concerns we have are about parking on both Dudley Street and Haddington Street are

1. How people park their vehicles when dropping off and collecting children

2. Where people are parking when dropping of and collecting children

We worry about the serious risk of injury or death to a child or adult around these times.

We ask you to read this information and follow the directions given within. Please seek assistance If you do not understand or need translation. There are Apps available for your smart phone that can assist.

  • You must slow down to 25km/h in school zones, at  children's crossings between the sign posted times when children are present
  • This is usually between the hours of 8.30am -9.15am and 2.15pm and 3.30pm or at other times when children are present outside the school grounds.
  • If you are picking up or dropping off children, park away from areas where children are moving around. It's always best to be safe, and keep your car as far away as you can from groups of children.
  • The following pictures will help you make the correct parking choices around St Patrick’s School.


  • When collecting or dropping off your child, you MUST NOT PARK or LEAVE your vehicle on the dotted lines in front of the green fences
  • You must not LEAVE your vehicle  if you are parked on the dotted line at either side of the No Parking signs if you are waiting to collect your child
  • If you need to collect your child from the classroom, please park away from the dotted line area
  • No vehicle must stop or park  after these lines . Parking or stopping across the crossing is illegal.

  • If you are unable to move to the other side because cars are parked there, keep moving to the next roundabout and return until you can enter the parking line up.

  • Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in this important matter.

    PLEASE AVOID HOLDING UP TRAFFIC.  Always check to see if there a cars behind you.




You can move throuhg this area to get to the other side of the parking signs

You can move through this area to get to the other side of the parking signs.

Your cooperation and support in this matter is appreciated, thank you.

School Uniform

Our school uniform is an important part of our school culture and identity. The uniform has been designed to wear with any of the following pieces

  • Navy shorts with school logo
  • Navy trackpants with school logo
  • Polo shirt with school logo
  • Rugby top or zipped jacket with school logo
  • A bucket hat for Term 1 and Term 4
  • Beanie for winter is optional, however if your child wears a beanie it must be the school one.
  • White socks
  • Black or white sneakers

There are children who are wearing coloured skivvies and jumpers under their polo top. This is not part of the school uniform.  If your child is wearing their polo shirt and rugby top or jacket and are still cold, any skivvy worn underneath must be navy and not visible at all. The alternative is to wear a navy jacket with no logo or branding instead.

It is an expectation that your child wears the correct uniform at all times.

We ask that parents support us in this.

Thank you

Barbara Ahern


Leader of Learning

Hi families!

Well done and a big congratulations to our students who have completed the Premier’s Reading Challenge and have made it out of the pits and on their class’s racetrack!

Keep reading everyone and make sure you remember to add your books to your Premier’s Reading Challenge record sheet. Once you have finished your 12 books, hand in your record sheet to the class teacher OR Miss Michele in the office. You will then appear on your class racetrack that is in the Library window.

There will be a prize for the first class to independently complete their reading records!

Keep reading and enjoy the challenge!

Linda Bain

Leader of Learning

Canteen Price List



Happy Birthday to these students

who have celebrated their birthday over the past 2 weeks 

  • 7th June - Light
  • 12th June - Reiden
  • 12th June - Jan
  • 18th June - Giao
  • 19th June - Tony N
  • 21st June - Harry S
  • 21st June - Dat


School Fees 2024

A friendly reminder to those families, who do not have a direct debit set up, that Term 1 fees were due the last day of Term 1 the 12/4/24. If your fees are still outstanding please pay as soon as possible thank you.    

 We offer direct debit, BPay, EFTPOS and direct deductions from Centrelink payments to cater to the changing financial needs of our families at St Patrick’s School. When the direct debit payment option is selected your school fee payment is calculated over the full school year right up until the 31st of December 2024. This means smaller payments are required, making this method the most affordable way to budget for your commitment. Please come into the office or ring me on 83034500 if one of these options would better suit your financial requirements.  

School Card 2024 is applied for online if you haven’t already applied for this year please arrange as soon as possible. Instructions on how to do this are available at the front office. School Card must be applied for each year.

If at any time you are having trouble meeting your school fee commitment, or have any queries, please contact me on 83034500 to discuss this matter.


Christine Lavender

Finance Officer






Playgroup, family fun for families with children under 5 years from 9.30am - 11.30 am throughout the terms.


Parent, Conversion, Craft and Support School Group will be held at school each Thursday from 9am to 11am. These programs are free, lots of fun, friendly and open to all.  Come and meet new people and get involved in the school community.


This program is for children aged 3-5 years old from 9.30am - 11.30am (including Library visit) and their parents, to support transitions from Kindy to School.


Playgroup SA has partnered with the Office for the Early Years (Department of Education) to provide free development checks for children aged 12 months to 4 years. The checks provide an opportunity to monitor your child’s development, identify any concerns and celebrate milestones. A development check helps to monitor whether a child is meeting the milestones for their age (such as dressing or talking). Please note this is not a health check.

Please contact Chau Tran or Huong Nguyen on 8303 4500 if you would like further information or would like to book in child development check.


We would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land and pay our respects to the elders both past, present and future for they hold the memories, the traditions, the culture and hope of their people

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